Every two weeks my blue wheelie bin has to be taken down a 300 yard right of way to the roadside for council collection.

The driveway is also quite steep. My vehicle does not have a towing arm.  Fitting of the standard approved towing ball for towing trailers and caravans can cost up to a thousand dollars.
Such a fitting is an overkill for a wheelie bin and still doesn't suit the purpose very well.

Here is my solution. It was originally made for a Nissan Wingroad but also fits my  new Mazda Axella very well.
The pictures tell all. There is little need for explanation.

Quite obviously this is only used for a slow tow on a private right of way. Don't attempt using it on a public highway,
I doubt it is legal for such use. I have been using this now for several months and it has been problem free.

Many vehicles have this
sort of arrangement................click the pics for bigger.

Only minor adjustments would be needed to fit lots of cars.
The wooden part is thick enough to embrace the height of the metal loop but with space for the locking hook.

It is cut and shaped to be a good fit to minimise movement.

The locking hook would be better made of brass or steel. My ali' is a bit  thin.

The ali extension is 2mm thick and long enough to clear the 'bumper'.
Make no longer than needed. If longer the leverage increases.

The plastic pipe springs open to grab the wheelie bin bar. It is attached to the ali' extension with a pivot bolt.

The 1/4" pivot bolt attachment allows modest vehicle turning.

This was a prototype! One day I might make a pretty one.

Fitting and use of this thing is entirely at your own risk.
It is not for use on public roads.